May 30, 2024

Chatham Park Resident ecoSelect® Plus Q&A

Chatham Park residents are actively contributing to a sustainable future for generations to come through their participation in our ecoSelect® Plus program. Through collaboration with Southern Energy management, the initiative focuses on enhancing energy efficiency in Chatham Park homes while ensuring quality control and consumer confidence. 

Chatham Park homes boast 25% more energy efficiency than others in the area and are designed to meet performance testing standards. They also offer renewable energy options, smart home features, and increased energy, water, and indoor air quality measures, aligning with today’s environment challenges and lifestyles.  

Let’s take a closer look and discuss the experiences and insights of our Vineyards residents, George and Tammy Fuller, to see how this program makes a difference in their daily lives. 

Q1: How are you enjoying your home? Are you experiencing comfortable temperatures and a positive experience overall? 
A: Our home is very comfortable. The HVAC keeps things as we set it and the house is tight, so it is not drafty, even on colder days. We have not experienced summer, but we anticipate being cool and comfy.

Q2: What made you decide to add solar panels to your home? Has this feature made a noticeable difference in your energy bills? 
A: We realized that there are no short-term savings with the cost of the systems. We chose to move toward using less dirty energy and less total energy for the sake of future generations and the life sustaining systems of the earth. Our monthly electric costs are much lower with the panels so we will get the cost of the system back over time. 

Q3: Are there any other features or technologies that you appreciate in your home because of the ecoSelect® Plus program?
A: We like the level of insulation and added additional insulation. We have not experienced any impact we noticed from the efficient water fixtures. We are glad to use less water. We also like the additional water filter at the kitchen sink. The city is filtering the water well and this adds security with all our water used for drinking and cooking. 

Q4: What initially attracted you to living in a sustainable, master-planned community?
A: We are troubled by the toxic ways our economy and the housing industry has been developed. It was built without the knowledge we have now of industrial toxins and the toxins found in many of the products sold and used in and around our homes. As grandparents, we do not want the story to be that we knowingly contaminated the world for our grandchildren and great grandchildren. They will see all that was done before we knew it and the efforts we made once we knew. Legacy matters and is worth the effort and the costs.

Q5: What would you say to prospective homebuyers regarding Chatham Park’s ecoSelect® Plus program and the community’s overall sustainability measures?
A: Come join us in the effort and our work to expand the healing of the earth and the reduction of damage done. You can save money along the way over time and give a world to your children and grandchildren where they can flourish without your fingers crossed.

It’s evident that Chatham Park’s ecoSelect® Plus program is not only enhancing the comfort and affordability of residents’ homes but also fostering a sense of responsibility towards the environment. To all prospective homebuyers, consider joining this transformative journey towards a greener, more sustainable community at Chatham Park. 

Learn more about our efforts to provide a more sustainable future for our community in our recent ecoSelect® Plus Report.